from the blog
Promotion on Google, it's worth getting found

The dynamic development of the Internet and its mass reach made it an ideal advertising and promotion tool. In the era of more and more computerization of the world and society, the opportunities offered to us by the Internet are enormous, and its skilful use should constitute an important position in the marketing activity of every modern and successful enterprise, both for those existing on the market for many years and fo...
Printed mugs the perfect gift idea

Corporate advertising gadgets are inexpensive and extremely nice gifts. Ceramic mugs with an imprint are still one of the most popular and useful. On the mug you can put original graphics or just your company logo, website address or other contact details. Mugs with the company logo are not only a gift that shapes positive relationships, but also a good advertising medium, thanks to which our contractors and customers will r...
Time for calendars 2021

Yes, this is the time when advertising agencies start the "Calendars 2021" campaign and your e-mail inbox has probably been inundated with offers to print calendars for the new year. We do not send out our offer and mailing, but if you have not yet thought about the creation and you do not have an idea for a calendar for your company, we will be happy to prepare an original and interesting project for you. A com...
Life after lockdown, changes and new challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside down. The coronavirus has changed our private and professional lives. The effects of the pandemic and its consequences forced many changes in the operation of large corporations and small local entrepreneurs. After the lockdown, many companies faced many challenges to be or not to be. Changes and new challenges for companies fter the lockdown, many entrepreneurs faced many c...
What should a business card be like?

A business card is the oldest, simplest, and at the same time the most popular form of advertising building your business image in contacts with clients. Each company, both entering the market and existing and thriving, already uses and will use business cards.Visiting tickets, because that how they were called so when they first appeared, had completely different functions than now. They served only in socializing. The cont...
[Notice] Covid-19
![[Notice] Covid-19 [Notice] Covid-19](/cache/mod_news_show_sp2/nssp2_thumbs/148/covid19.jpg)
We hope you're keeping well and safe! In response to the state of quarantine introduced by the government as a result of the result analysis of the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus causing the disease called COVID-19, we are now taking further steps to ensure the safety of our employees and clients at this difficult time. From today until further notice, all our services and business meetings will be reported remotely. Please b...
Features of a good logo, what the logo should be

Features of a good logo, what the logo should be A company without a logo is like a person without a face? Definitely yes. The company's logo is the first element which a customer sees and links with the company, product, person, or action. Logo is the basic element of visual identification. So let's take care of his professional and well thought out project design. What should have a well-designed logo The logo in order...
[e-Learning] Basics and theory of photography
![[e-Learning] Basics and theory of photography [e-Learning] Basics and theory of photography](/cache/mod_news_show_sp2/nssp2_thumbs/148/fundamenty-i-teoria-fotografii.jpg)
Learn the rules that govern photography and make your photos delight. Learn how to apply the composition rules, control the movement, manipulate color, light and focus. Today, almost everyone has a camera, but only a few people can make interesting pictures. Why? The problem is not the equipment, because even a mid-range smartphone can achieve stunning effects. However, photographing is not only about the efficiency of using t...
Free SEO tools

The job as an SEO specialist is definitely not an easy piece of bread. The constant struggle for raising page in search results, continuous analysis and prediction of the work of the Google algorithm and adapting its activities to the changes taking place. It's hard to imagine work without using the right tools for this. In the following article I will try to present the best online tools available in the web, useful in the an...
Can you still make money with AdSense?

Do you think of the simplest and easiest way to make money online? The first thing you think of is Google AdSense. I guess everyone who runs a blog or website has heard about this form of making money on advertisements. AdSense is still one of the most popular forms of advertising on the Internet, but still as profitable as it used to be? In this article I will try to present how well it works and how much you can earn on AdSe...
Microsoft has changed mind, Paint has been rescued

At the end of last month, Microsoft announced a list of the latest updates and features that will be added and removed from the Windows 10 operating system. One of the victims of the autumn update of the system was well known to everyone and how it turns out to be very popular MS Paint. This simple raster graphic editor which first appeared on Windows 1.0 appeared in 1985 and was an integral part of it for 32 years to be remov...
Advertising power of YouTube

YouTube is currently the second biggest search engine after Google, making it the second most popular web site in the world and therefore the second biggest source of our potential customers. YouTube advertising has many advantages and opportunities that we aren't even aware of. On the pages of this entry I will try to zoom in advertising in YT and why shouldn’t we ignore our presence on this platform. For a start, relyi...
Logo instead of a crest? Design enters football

Logo instead of the crest in the football club? Why not, currently, the football clubs are greatly prospering companies, and consistent visual identity and brand recognition determine their marketing value on the market. Is it the high time for modern design to enter the world of football? It may seem so, however, resignation of the long-standing crest for the modern logos is not likely to be seen quickly in football. The a...
Poland as a spring, logo for Poland

In recent days in Internet we can see stormy discussions and comments on the vote on the logo for the Polish under the loud slogan: "The new logo for the Polish", and yet it will not be overwriting our national emblem! And you already voted? How do you assess a "spring" Wally Olins? By the way shame that such actions create the same officials, and they choose the contractor (nay, know him even before t...
Also in English

The same as the global reach of the Internet so I'm not going to set myself limits of my web activities. Bearing in mind my activities on both markets Polish and British website is now available also in English.Similarly, accounts on social media sites will have entries in both languages. From technical point of view since you first time entering the page language is automatically assigned based on the IP address from which y...
What about cookies?

Actually what about those cookies? It is no doubt the first thought of every of us who by entering his favorite websites greeted him with a small dialog box at the bottom or top of the screen saying: This page uses cookies, and the only option to select and close the window was: I understand. How many of us clicked on it, and did you really think about what cookies are all about? I will explain right now and here what this is ...
Online again

Enter! After over 4 years of absence, dj studio returns on the server (and into favor, hopefully ;)). Despite its new design, the form won’t change much, but will definitely evolve. The website will have the portfolio/blog form, promoting my activity.. Hopefully, my return will not be only my activity’s showcase, but an active form of sharing knowledge and experiences concerning the computer graphic and e-marketing. Therefore...