Learn the rules that govern photography and make your photos delight. Learn how to apply the composition rules, control the movement, manipulate color, light and focus. Today, almost everyone has a camera, but only a few people can make interesting pictures. Why? The problem is not the equipment, because even a mid-range smartphone can achieve stunning effects. However, photographing is not only about the efficiency of using the equipment. It is also the selection of compositions, dealing with light, movement, sharpness or color. Before you press the shutter button, you must control many factors so that the image you present in the pictures evokes specific emotions and impressions.
What you will learn in the course:
- distinguish between lenses and their choice depending on the photos;
- umiejętnego wykorzystywania światła i ustawiania ekspozycji;
- applying the principles of photographic composition;
- using the capabilities of RAW files;
- adjusting the exposure times;
- presenting movement in photos;
- color manipulation thanks to composite techniques;
- work with plans and perspective;
Click this link to go to the course and start learning:
https://strefakursow.pl/kursy/grafika/fundamenty_i_teoria_fotografii.html?ref=5101Equipment and accessories
In the jungle of advertising slogans, the innumerable models of cameras and the features they offer, it's easy to spend money on something you do not need or even fully use. In the initial chapters, I will help you with the selection of the right equipment so that it suits your skills and what you want to achieve. We will look at camera types, available functions and additional equipment: tripods, heads, lamps and even protective bags. I have devoted a separate chapter to the lenses - we will discuss their parameters, advantages and disadvantages. You will learn when to use wide-angle lenses, telephoto lenses and other special types of lenses. Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to make an informed choice.
What is light and exposure? How to consciously use them to achieve better results? How will your photo change depending on the different exposure times? When and why should I use a short exposure time? How does the meaning of light change during portraits, still life and landscape? What are the principles of perfect exposure, what is HDR and how to use the flash with your head? A lot of questions, but even more answers that you will find in this tutorial!
Certainly you have noticed once more effective looking photos with a blurred background. This so-called the bokeh effect, you can get skillfully using the depth of field. In the course I will discuss the depth of field and tell you how to use it correctly to fit certain types of photos. We will analyze together the mass of photographs, on the example of which you will see how to choose the appropriate focus settings and manipulate the depth of field to highlight individual areas and objects in the pictures. You will also learn how to adjust focus in the case of portrait, landscape or still life photography.
Why do we know that we are dealing with the desired effect when looking at one "blurred picture", and looking at the other, it's simply lack of the photographer's skills? Capturing the motion on still photo is not a simple task. The effect we strive for can be easily spoiled by the wrong setting of the shutter, the lack of proper stabilization or one unnecessary movement of the photographer. In the course we will comprehensively discuss the issue of movement and how it can be presented in the pictures. You will learn what your own motion is, how to get blur or freeze movement and even freeze traffic and blur the background.
Thanks to this training you will have a completely different view of the color concept. You will understand what function it does in photography, what are color profiles and how to make the most of your camera's capabilities in this aspect. You will also learn how to manipulate the color, for example using composite techniques, that is mixing the interpenetrating layers. You will be able to use them in virtually any photo processing program. You will also learn when to "fool the camera" and change the white balance settings to get a more attractive photo.
In photography, not only "what" counts, but above all "how" you photograph. This "how" is the composition. On the example of simple geometric figures and lines, I will show you how to take care of this aspect and make your photos call the recipient the "WOW! Effect". Discussing the theme, of course, we will address such important topics as human resources, perspective or perspective. We will also work with various plans: general, medium, American or close-up and detail.